Vilkår og betingelser

Vilkår og betingelser som er beskrevet i dette dokument, definerer det lovmæssige forhold mellem I got Spirit (CVR 39627825), og ”dig” (refereres til som ”Kunden”). Vilkår og betingelser er gældende i enhver aftale mellem de to parter, medmindre andet aftales indbyrdes på skrift.

Ved at booke cocktail cateringfirmaet, I got Spirit, accepterer Kunden vilkår og betingelser,anerkender og godkender at have læst og forstået det skrevne, og indvilliger i at overholde disse med al respekt.


En booking bliver først aktuel idet I got Spirit modtager en skriftlig godkendelse af tilbuddet fra kunden.


I det tilfælde at det anses for nødvendigt, forbeholder I got Spirit sig retten til at foretage ændringer i de priser, som er oplistet på hjemmesiden på alle tidspunkter. Alle priser er medregnet VAT, medmindre andet er anført.

Ekstra udgifter

Ved bestilling af en cocktail catering service vil prisen på en supplerende time (pr. person, pr. time) stemme overens med det som tidligere er aftalt mellem de to parter. Minimumstiden på en booking for en cocktail catering service varer 4 timer. Hvis Kunden vil forlænge begivenheden, skal det bekræftes 30 min. inden den aftalte afslutningstid for begivenheden.

Antal gæster

I got Spirit skal informeres om antallet af gæster for en cocktail catering service på forhånd og ikke senere end 7 dage forinden begivenhedens start.
Hvis aftalen omhandler et cocktailkursus, ligger deadlinen 72 timer inden start for begivenheden. I tilfælde af at antallet af gæster til en begivenhed reduceres inden for tidsrammen (72 timer), skal den fulde pris betales af Kunden. Et cocktailkursus kræver at den fulde pris estimeres til minimum 4000 kr. Derfor forbeholder I got Spirit sig retten til at kræve en minimumspris på 4000 kr. Hvis antallet af deltagere i et cocktailkursus ændres, kan der i visse tilfælde opstå en justering af antallet af bartendere til begivenheden.
Er der flere deltagere end det er aftalt mellem de to parter inden en begivenhed, forbeholder I got Spirit sig retten til at bogføre faktura for antallet af ekstra gæster. Alle tilstedeværende gæster til begivenheden skal indgå i aftalen, medmindre andet er aftalt indbyrdes på skrift. Børn kan deltage alle begivenheder uden beregning.

Fri bar

Definition af ”Fri bar”: Fri bar betyder at Kunden og tilhørende gæster kan hente drinks og cocktails ved baren uden beregning inden for en aftalt tidsramme og inden for et aftalt sortiment af drikkevarer. Hele flasker af sprut, shots og øl er ikke inkluderet i fri bar.

Aflysning af en begivenhed

  1. I got Spirit kan ikke opkræve et gebyr, hvis Kunden aflyser en aftale mere end 14 dage forinden begivenheden.
  2. Hvis Kunden aflyser en aftale mindre end 14 dage forinden begivenheden, skal Kunden betale 50% af den fulde pris på ordren som gebyr.
  3. Hvis aflysningen opstår mindre end 48 timer forinden begivenheden, skal den fulde pris betales af Kunden.
  4. Ønsker Kunden at den aftalte tid på en begivenhed reduceret, er I got Spirit berettiget til at modtage den fulde pris på ordren og Kunden er ikke berettiget til kompensation.
  5. En aflysning foretages ved at sende en e-mail til [email protected]. Aflysningen godkendes idet Kunden modtager en e-mail fra I got Spirit, vedrørende aflysningen af begivenheden.


Når en booking er bekræftet, skal Kunden forudbetale 50% af den totale pris på ordren. Efter begivenheden modtager Kunden en faktura af de resterende 50% + eventuelle gældende omkostninger. Den endelige faktura skal senest betales 14 dage efter begivenhedens start.


På hjemmesiden www.igotspirit.dk kan man finde en offentlig liste af I got Spirit’s primære kundebase. Hvis Kunden ikke ønsker at blive tilføjet som reference på hjemmesiden, bedes Kunden kontakte I got Spirit på mailen [email protected].


Alle justeringer af cocktail menuen skal reporters til I got Spirit 7 dage forinden begivenhedens start.

Gulve og inventar

I got Spirit kan ikke stilles til ansvar over for eventuelle skader af gulve, vægge og møbler som resultat af spildt alkohol. Det er arrangørens ansvar at medregne risikoen for dette ud fra barens instruktioner og lokaliteten af begivenheden.

Valg af lov og sted

Alle købsaftaler der medfølger en bekræftelse på mail tegnes på dansk og agerer ud fra dansk lovgivning. Alle uenigheder vedrørende en ordre på hjemmesiden www.igotspirit.dk samt de beskrevne vilkår og betingelser udredes i byretten i København.

Personlig information

I got Spirit er ansvarlige for varetægten af al personlig information, som Kunden overdrager dem og vil behandle dataen med al respekt for den undergivende tavshedspligt. Informationen kan oplagres i op til 5 år i overensstemmelse med lovgivningen.
I got Spirit overholder the General Data Protection Regulation, der bemyndiger Kunden retten til at få indsigt i sine egne personlige, enkrypterede oplysninger på alle tider. Kunden kan tilgå disse oplysninger ved at sende en e-mail gennem kontaktsiden.
Udelukkende individer bekendte med I got Spirit er tilladt adgang til dataen, der udgøres af Kundens ordre og tilknyttede adresser, som der er bestilt varer til.

Virksomheds information

I got Spirit Aps
Flæsketorvet 68, 1. sal.
1711 København V
CVR 39627825
Tel: 50 22 94 73
E-mail: [email protected]


The terms and conditions stated within this document define the legal relationship between I got Spirit (CVR 39627825) and “you” (referred to as “the Customer”). The terms and conditions are valid in any agreement between the two parties, unless other is agreed in writing.

By booking the cocktail catering company I got Spirit, the Customer agrees to the terms and conditions. By agreeing to the terms and conditions, the customer has read and understood these terms and will comply with them in all respect.


An event is not booked until I got Spirit has received a written approval of the offer from the Customer.
I got Spirit reserve the right to make changes in the prices stated on the website at any time if it is deemed necessary. All stated prices include VAT unless other is stated.

Additional expenses

When ordering a cocktail catering, an additional hour will cost the same amount (per person, per hour) as previously agreed between the two parties. The minimum booking time for a cocktail catering is 4 hours. If the Customer wish to extend the event, it has to be confirmed 30 min. before the agreed closing time of the event.

Number of guests

I got Spirit must be informed about the number of guests for the cocktail catering service no later than 7 days in advance of the event.
In case of a cocktail course, the deadline is 72 hours before the start of the event. If the number of guests decreases within this time frame, the full amount must be paid. A cocktail course can only be carried out if the total amount is estimated to 4000 DKK. If a smaller amount of participants is interested in a cocktail course, I got Spirit reserves the right to claim the 4000 DKK as a minimum price. Adjusting the number of participants can in some cases change the agreed number of bartenders for an event.
Should there be more guests than agreed before the event, I got Spirit reserves the right to post-invoice for the extra number of guests. All guests present for the event must be included in the agreement unless otherwise is agreed in writing. Children can attend all events free of charge.

Free bar

Definition of “Free bar”: free bar means that the Customer and the Customer’s guests can collect drinks and cocktails at the bar for free within agreed times and within the agreed assortment of beverages. Whole bottles of liquor, shots, and beer are not included in free bar.

Cancellation of the event

  1. If the Customer cancel the event more than 14 days before the event occurs, I got Spirit will not charge any fees.
  2. If the Customer cancel the event less than 14 days before the event occurs, the Customer must pay 50% of the full price of the order as a fee.
  3. If the cancellation occurs less than 48 hours before the event, the Customer must pay the full amount of the order.
  4. If the time of the agreed event needs to be reduced because of the Customer, I got Spirit is entitled to receive a full payment of the order, and the Customer is not entitled to receive any compensation.
  5. A cancellation must be made by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. The cancellation is only approved when the Customer receives a confirmation e-mail regarding the cancellation from I got Spirit.


When a booking is confirmed, the Customer has to pay 50% of the total amount in advance. After the event, the customer will receive a final invoice of the remaining 50% + any additional costs if applicable. The final invoice must be paid no later than 14 days after the start of the event.


On the webpage www.igotspirit.dk, you will find a public list of I got Spirit’s primary customers. If you as a Customer do not want to be written on this reference list, please write an e-mail to [email protected].


All changes to the cocktail menu must be reported to I got Spirit no later than 7 days before the start of the event.

Floors and fixtures

I got Spirit cannot be held liable for damaged floors, walls, or furniture, as a result of spilled liquids. The responsibility lays on the organizer of the event to take this into account in connection with the bar’s instructions and the location of the event.

Choice of law and venue

All purchase agreements following e-mail confirmation are drawn up in Danish and accordance with Danish law. Any dispute regarding a purchase via www.igotspirit.dk and these terms must be brought before the City Court in Copenhagen.

Personal information

I got Spirit is responsible for the custody of any personal information provided by their customers and will treat this information in the strictest confidence. The information is stored for up to 5 years in accordance with the law.
I got Spirit comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, that means that you as a Customer have the right at any time to gain insight into your own personal information which is stored encrypted. The Customer can access the information by sending an e-mail through the contact page.
Only individuals affiliated with I got Spirit are permitted access to this data that constitutes of your orders and the addresses to which you have ordered goods.

Business information

I got Spirit Aps
Flæsketorvet 68, 1. sal.
1711 København V
CVR 39627825
Tel: 50 22 94 73
E-mail: [email protected]

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